Brain Health

Harmful effects of Aluminum to Human Brain

Harmful effects of Aluminum to Human Brain
  • PublishedDecember 20, 2022

Harmful effects of Aluminum to Human Brain:(हिंदी पोस्ट के लिए कृपया यहां क्लिक करें) You must have heard that there are a few minerals essential for our health like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, etc. Among these minerals, there are a few metals copper, iron, and zinc. All three of these metals are needed by the body, copper for building enzymes, iron for blood cells, and zinc for nerve transmission, among many other functions. You get them in the foods you eat.


Aluminum in the Brain

But there is one metal Aluminum which is very harmful to Human beings. Our nutritional requirement for aluminum is exactly zero. It has no role in brain function at all, nor does it play a part in any other aspect of human biology. For many years, public health officials have known that large doses of aluminum are harmful. People exposed to unusually large amounts in the workplace or who have received aluminum in renal dialysis solutions have sometimes developed serious brain damage and have needed a treatment called chelation to remove the metal from their bodies. There are many studies and research have been done and it has been found that large doses of aluminum in the human body can lead to Alzheimer’s disease – A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental function.

How to shield your brain?

Research on toxic metals in Alzheimer’s disease is still very much in progress. But some things are clear: There is never any benefit from overdoing it with copper, iron, or zinc, and there is no need to ingest aluminum at all. Here are sensible steps you can put to work right now to protect yourself:

Check Your Foods for Aluminum

  • Check the labels on processed foods. Many times, we all want to skip pizza because of all the fat and cholesterol in the cheese but do you know that many brands also have aluminum in the cheese. A good rule of thumb is that the simpler your foods, the more confidence you can have about what is in them.
  • Choose aluminum-free baking powder. Aluminum-free brands are widely available. Unfortunately, restaurants are not likely to tell you what sort of baking powder they use, and their pancakes can contain substantial aluminum traces without your knowing it.
  • Skip the single-serve creamers and salt packets. They often contain sodium aluminosilicate, an anticaking agent that keeps them pourable.
  • Check labels on pickle relish. Some contain aluminum.

Check your Cookware and Containers

  • Choose safe cookware. Aluminum utensils should be avoided for cooking food as it has harmful effect on you in long run.
  • When using aluminum foil, keep it from touching any acidic foods.
  • Avoid aluminum cans. The longer the soda sits in the can, the more aluminum passes into it. Bottles may be safer, and quitting soda altogether is the best idea.

Check your Cupboards

  • Use aluminum-free antacids if you use antacids. It can easily deliver a thousand times more aluminum than you would get from a day’s worth of foods.
  • Read the labels on over-the-counter medicines. Some add aluminum as a coloring agent.
  • Use a deodorant, not an antiperspirant. Common antiperspirants contain aluminum, which passes through the skin and into your bloodstream.
  • Minimize your use of tea. The tea plant draws minerals from the soil, and aluminum tends to concentrate in the leaves. The aluminum content in tea is less than in foods overall but still significant.


Aluminum is harmful metal for Human being and his brain. These simple steps will help you avoid potentially risky exposures and protect your brain.

Written By
Kusum Sharma

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