Organic Lifestyle

Live Organic and Stop Poisoning Planet

Live Organic and Stop Poisoning Planet
  • PublishedDecember 2, 2022

Live Organic and Stop Poisoning Planet: We have poisoned our planet and living in a chemically dependent world. Now there is only one hope -Live Organic and Stop Poisoning Planet.

The reported cancer incidence in India in 2022 is estimated to be 19 to 20 lakhs, whereas real incidence is likely to be 1.5 to 3 times higher than the reported cases, according to a study by FICCI and EY titled “Call for Action: Making quality cancer care more accessible and affordable in India”. India is faced with a sizable cancer incidence burden, which continues to grow exponentially.

According to WHO ranking on cancer burden in terms of new yearly cases being reported had ranked India at the third position after China and the US, respectively. Unhealthy lifestyle elements including poor nutritional diet, lack of physical activity, carcinogens in the environment, smoking, and obesity are responsible for the maximum number of cancer deaths.

Despite billions of rupees spent on expensive cancer treatments,  recent studies suggest that chemotherapy induces healthy cells to produce a harmful protein that helps to promote the growth of cancer cells. At the same time chemotherapy damages, the DNA of healthy cells and severely destroys the immune system so the body cannot defend itself and is unable to repair the damage.

Chemotherapy doesn’t work 97% of times

So, the question is that why billions of dollars are wasted on futile care when for example chemotherapy doesn’t even work 97% of times? Or why doctors recommend drugs with adverse side effects that undermines the effectiveness of the drug and weakens the immune system at the same time?

Keep in mind that the medical industry makes billions of dollars by managing your illness and at the same time giving you the illusion of health. Giant Pharma believes that there is no money to be made from healthy people or dead people, but there is money to be made from people who are in between.

Instead of spending money on stronger drugs and antibiotics that don’t work, we need to invest money on a healthy and nutritional diet. Keep in mind that diet is your biggest ally at avoiding chronic diseases like cancer.

The reality is that cancer is in everyone but is kept under control by the immune system. When you continuously suppress the immune system with a diet that lacks essential nutrients, you create a weakness as if you had no immune system.

Your healthy lifestyle is the biggest ally against diseases

Live Organic and Stop Poisoning PlanetLive Organic and Stop Poisoning Planet

Growing your own Organic food

Busy lifestyle and lack of time makes it harder for people to grow their own organic food, but more and more people are recognizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

The food industry is engineering addiction into sugary foods and toxic additives and preservatives like aspartame and MSG are added to enhance the flavor of processed and junk foods. Consumers should be aware that MSG and free glutamates can be hidden under 50 different names in our food supply.

The truth is that white processed sugar kills more people in the world compared to all the drugs combined but it’s everywhere even in the breakfast cereals of our kids.

Your healthy lifestyle is your biggest ally against most chronic diseases. Amazingly, the junk food industry is aware of that and spends billions of rupees on misinformation to create equivalency between GMO foods, processed foods or pesticide ridden foods and organic foods. Their entire goal is to demolish the wholesomeness of healthy and nutritional foods.

The pesticide empire is willing to go as far as we let them. Let us try to be more organic to live Healthy and diseases free Life.

Live Organic Lifestyle and Save Earth

Written By
Kusum Sharma

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