
Are you suffering from nutrition deficiencies?

Are you suffering from nutrition deficiencies?
  • PublishedNovember 30, 2022

Are you suffering from nutrition deficiencies?: Your body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to function properly. It cannot produce these nutrients on its own, however, so it needs to get them from your diet. If you don’t consume adequate amounts of a necessary nutrient or your body can’t absorb it properly, then a nutritional deficiency develops.

Health Problems Related to Nutritional Deficiency

It is worthwhile to become aware of nutrient-deficiency symptoms as they manifest in your own body language.  Deficiencies of different nutrients can cause different health problems, but there is overlap. Some general symptoms that may indicate a deficiency include the following:

  • Overweight or too skinny
  • Skin is pale, puffy, or flabby
  • Many people age prematurely from deficient diets and develop face wrinkles from the depletion of collagen, the sub-skin tissue protein.
  • Eyes, lips, and hair condition also speaks of deficiency as well.
  • All mucous membranes, from the throat to the bladder, are deeply influenced by the quality of the diet.
  • Dark, hollowed eyes with blue rings around them are well-known deficiency signs.
  • Cracks around the mouth, a purple or fissured tongue, white nail stains, and lusterless hair also reflect deficiencies.
  • Other signs are tooth decay, foul body odor, poor posture, constipation, and indigestion.
  • Nervousness, restlessness, tension, depression, fatigue, and apathy, as well as a multitude of infections from tonsillitis to prostatitis, may also be deficiency symptoms.
  • Weakness, Fatigue, or difficulty breathing
  • Unusual Food Cravings

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should speak with your doctor to see if they may be caused by a nutritional deficiency or other issue.

The Causes of Nutritional Deficiency

Nutritional deficiencies are usually caused by a poor diet or something that impairs nutrient absorption such as a disease or medication. Either of these can lead to a deficiency on their own or combined. It can occur when the body is not absorbing enough iron, folate, or vitamin B-12 from the diet. The issue may be that the diet is insufficient or that an underlying medical condition or treatment is interfering with the body’s ability to absorb these nutrients.

Tips for Avoiding Nutritional Deficiencies

The best way to avoid nutritional deficiencies is by eating a well-balanced diet. A natural balanced nutritional diet plays a great role in helping the body heal itself and ward off disease.

Focus on the following foods to help boost vitamin and mineral intake:

  • Add Fibers – especially Soluble Fiber
  • Add Whole Grains to your Diet
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Eat Healthy Fats and Omega 3 Fats
  • Eat Lean and Plant-based protein
  • Add Fruits and Vegetables to your Diet
  • Get adequate Vitamin D
  • Drink Healthy Beverages

Some people may also require daily supplements to meet their nutritional needs. For example, it’s recommended that pregnant women consume extra folic acid to make sure they receive enough folate to handle the increased need.

Note: Always consult with your doctor before taking any Multivitamin supplement.


Now we all know that a proper diet is important for optimal health, but if you’re leaving out key ingredients in your foods, like magnesium, calcium, any Vitamin, or iron, you might be suffering from a nutritional deficiency. Increasing your intake of such vitamins and minerals can be a tall order, but you can start by consuming more fruits, vegetables, and high-quality, plant-derived supplements. Next time if you complain of minor aches and pains for which no pathological reason can be found just check that you are having a Nutritional Balanced Diet. Once the missing nutrients are restored, the disease disappears as if by magic.

Written By
Kusum Sharma

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